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📍 The Silver Darling

阿伯丁 The Silver Darling 餐廳內部
Restaurant interior

The Silver Darling is located in the former customs building at the Aberdeen (Aberdeen) harbour pier. It is also the easternmost part of Scotland, and has beautiful views of the east coast. Decorations with the theme of the ocean and Aberdeen take diners slowly up a rotating staircase to reach the upper level of the dining area surrounded by the sea.

阿伯丁 The Silver Darling 窗邊位置
Window side position

The dining area is equipped with floor-to-ceiling glass, so you can enjoy the beautiful views of the coast. The interior of the restaurant is modern and stylish, and offers fresh local seafood and English cuisine. In summer, you might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of dolphins and seals in the bay!

🍴 Seafood platter for two (£40)

阿伯丁 The Silver Darling 海鮮拼盤
Seafood platter - raw food
阿伯丁 The Silver Darling 海鮮拼盤
Seafood platter - cooked food

We first ordered the most famous seafood platter. Raw foods include fresh seafood such as raw oysters, crayfish, marinated salmon, and mackerel. Cooked foods include deep-fried spring fish, crayfish, shellfish, and bread with Shanghai seaweed mayonnaise. There is a fish market near the restaurant, so the seafood here is very fresh.

🍴 Seafood pasta (£25)

阿伯丁 The Silver Darling 海鮮意大利麵

In addition, we also ordered a seafood pasta with garlic and slow-roasted tomato as a rich sauce, topped with Italian herbs and parmesan cheese. Spaghetti is also plentiful of seafood, including scallops, mackerel, langoustines, and crayfish.

🍹 Gingerbread cocktail【Limited time offer】

阿伯丁 The Silver Darling 薑餅雞尾酒
Gingerbread Cocktails [Limited Time Offer]

Since it's Christmas, the restaurant offers a range of special winter cocktails. I ordered a gingerbread cocktail, and I've stopped drinking the most special and delicious cocktail so far. I've always loved collecting all kinds of gingerbread people's food, and I'm very lucky to have one more collection now.

🍴 Triple Chocolate Brownies (£9)

阿伯丁 The Silver Darling 三重巧克力布朗尼
Dessert - Triple Chocolate Brownies

Finally, we ordered a triple chocolate brownie. An exquisite arrangement topped with coconut ice cream and crushed lime made the perfect end to today's dinner.

How do I get to The Silver Darling?

Walk half an hour from Aberdeen Railway Station or take a 13 Platinum bus to Queens Links Leisure Park in 14 minutes.
💡 Within the UK:Travel to Aberdeen by train / Buy a transport card and get 1/3 off UK trains and London Underground all year round
💡 International visitors:Airline ticket price / European train prices