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📍 Volendam

Volendam is a Dutch town located on Lake Markermeer in northeastern Amsterdam, famous for its colourful wooden houses and old fishing boats in the harbour. Since it is less than a 30-minute drive from the city center, it is a must-see attraction for many visitors to the outskirts of Amsterdam.

💡 Location: Map requestClick here
💡 How to get there: Take bus 316 from Amsterdam Centraal Station - 26 minutes (€10 full day)

阿姆斯特丹小漁村 沃倫丹 Amsterdam Volendam
Amsterdam, Netherlands — Volendam Volendam

阿姆斯特丹小漁村 沃倫丹 Amsterdam Volendam 糖果攤檔
Candy archive

阿姆斯特丹小漁村 沃倫丹 Amsterdam Volendam 芝士攤檔
Cheesecake file
阿姆斯特丹小漁村 沃倫丹 Amsterdam Volendam 蔬果攤檔
Vegetable and fruit kiosks

I've only just arrived, and I've already felt the small village atmosphere here. We arrived just on a Saturday, so we had a similar rural market schedule. They sell candy, fruit, cheese, etc., and the whole atmosphere is very casual. From here, you can walk to Volendam's seaside in about 10 minutes.

阿姆斯特丹小漁村 沃倫丹 Amsterdam Volendam 海產
Amsterdam, Netherlands Volendam — SEAFOOD

When you come to the seaside, there are more and more crowds here, and there are also a lot of different kinds of shops. As a small fishing village, fresh seafood is essential. In addition to the famous Dutch herring, this small file also offers fried fish. Many visitors admired the seafood in common sense.

荷蘭小鬆餅 Poffertjes 阿姆斯特丹小漁村 沃倫丹 Amsterdam Volendam
Amsterdam, Netherlands Volendam — raw herring

It's hard to come to the Netherlands, but definitely try their specialty - raw herring. We ordered one (€2.5), topped with sour melon and chopped onions. The first few chunks were fine; even though I like to eat fish on weekdays, I felt a strong fishy smell in my mouth afterwards. I think everyone orders one with their friends when they come. One bite is enough for each person; don't finish eating one by yourself like me.

荷蘭小鬆餅 Poffertjes
Amsterdam Netherlands Volendam — Dutch Pancakes Poffertjes

In addition to raw herring, the Dutch pancake Poffertjes is also a famous snack here. The clerk ordered and made it, and I saw how to make takoyaki a bit like ours. We ordered a total of 10 small pieces (€5) and added Nutella hazelnut butter. Very tasty, very tasty, very compatible with the flavor of Nutella, and also helps us remove the fishy smell in our mouths.

阿姆斯特丹小漁村 沃倫丹 Amsterdam Volendam
阿姆斯特丹小漁村 沃倫丹 Amsterdam Volendam

As you walk along the seaside, you can see many rare birds on weekdays. They are very active, adding more life to the whole fishing village! Also, the sea fish here fly very low, so it feels like if you're careless, they'll snatch your food!

荷蘭手信 阿姆斯特丹手信 Volendam Woltje’s Backerij
Amsterdam Netherlands Volendam — Woltje's Backerij Letter

Afterwards, we went to Woltje's Backerij Buyer's Letter. This bakery only has a store in Volendam, so the souvenir you buy here is even more representative! We bought a set of 3 boxes of caramel pancakes Stroopwafel, with 3 different flavors, perfect for personal use as a gift! In addition to that, there is also a workshop to make caramel pancakes!

荷蘭傳統服飾 照相服務 阿姆斯特丹小漁村 沃倫丹 Amsterdam Volendam
Amsterdam, Netherlands Volendam — traditional costume photo service

In addition, there are many shops here that offer photography services for traditional Dutch clothing. It's also a great idea to wear traditional clothes here with friends or family!

📍 Edam

💡 Location: Map requestClick here
💡 How to get there: From Volendam by bus 316 - 10 minutes (€10 full day)

阿姆斯特丹 Edam
Amsterdam, the Netherlands — Edam

Edam is a town that many visitors go to when visiting Volendam, and you can clearly feel the scarcity of people when visiting Volendam. The town has a museum dedicated to Edam's history, and there is a Cheese Market every Wednesday. Personally, I don't think there are any special attractions here; if you have a tight schedule, you can just skip this place.

阿姆斯特丹 Edam 湖景
Amsterdam, the Netherlands — Edam lake view

All in all, compared to our trip in the city center the previous two days, we had a relatively relaxed time this day. We won't stay in the small fishing village for too long, and we can still stay in the city center for a long time after that. As a suburb of Amsterdam, Volendam, which takes less than half an hour to get to, is worth visiting!