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📍 Danube Canal (Donaukanal)

Scenery on the bridge

The Donaukanal (Donaukanal) is the second-longest river in Europe, after the Volga River in Russia. It has a total length of 2,857 kilometers, flows through most of central and southeastern Europe, and has always been Europe's traditional trade route. The river now connects ten European countries, passing from Germany through Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, and Ukraine. Meanwhile, Vienna's Danube became a local graffiti destination, telling various stories with images.

Japanese style

Seeing Asian graffiti in Europe was particularly kind. I don't know if the creator behind it is an Asian, or a local person interested in Asian culture?

Environmental awareness

In addition to graffiti with individual characteristics, you can also see graffiti calling for climate action. Everyone is a resident of the Earth, but unfortunately many people are still unaware of environmental protection. In front of the graffiti, you can also see all kinds of statues.

Asian cuisine

This is probably my most impressive graffiti today! Graffiti conveys the author's flavors with siu siu, egg tart, Xiaolongbao, etc., and it reminds me of the home-cooked simple meals cooked by my parents in my family.

art device

In addition to graffiti and stone carvings, there are also works of art made from recycled materials, giving these materials a second life and a richer meaning.

stone carving

The bridge on both sides of the Danube was covered with graffiti and statues. We were only planning to stay here for a while, but as a result, we stayed for a few hours. Each work tells a different story, making people linger.


We also discovered an exquisite mosaic work, and the color combination reminded me of Barcelona's architecture and art.

Tree shadows

Hashita shows a different kind of feeling under the light of the sun and the shadows of the trees. No matter how strong the individual colors of each work are, at this moment, none of the works collide, but just blend together.

A friend's memorial

Finally, my artist, a friend of mine, left her work here as a testament to her visit to the Danube: “Take a trip here”!